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7 Tips for Developing Your Sales and Marketing Strategy

Daniel • Digital Marketing

Oct 02,2021 13 min read


Your sales and marketing strategies are key to the success of your business, whether you're running a retail store or an online business. But what is sales and marketing? Marketing and sales are two different aspects of business management, but they are deeply linked. That's why it's better to speak about sales and marketing strategy rather than the two things separated.

In particular, when we speak about "sales" we refer to all the operations and activities that we - as entrepreneurs or managers - perform and implement to sell goods or services. "Marketing" refers to the techniques we use to promote, distribute, and eventually sell those products or services. As you can see, the two aspects can be considered as part of the same thing that goes under the name of your sales and marketing strategy.

Sales and Marketing Strategy


If you're developing the sales and marketing strategy for your business (from scratch or for an improvement) you may be asking yourself what principles you should take into consideration to develop it. In this article, we're breaking down the 7 tips for developing your sales and marketing strategies.


1. Know that you don't know


"I know that I know nothing," Socrate used to say, and for this, he was considered the wisest man in Greece. When it comes to your sales and marketing strategies, you should have that same humility and try to learn as much as possible. Knowing that you need a Sales and Marketing Strategy is not enough; you need to know how to develop the most suitable for your business, what are the trends, and how you can optimize your resources.

Sales and marketing books abound in bookshops, online marketplaces, and libraries all around the world: why not start from there? The same applies to sales and marketing courses. Today, you don't need to have your school, college, or town host a course: with an internet connection, you can have access to all the courses and knowledge you need. Exploit this opportunity: don't ever give for granted the knowledge and expertise you need to excel in your job.


2. Assess your resources


Before you develop the perfect sales and marketing strategy, make sure you have the suitable resources to run and sustain it. The best practice here is to assess the resources at your disposal first, and then build up a strategy that is based on them.

The resources you need to consider are your budget, your tools (usually software), your infrastructures, the number of people in the team that are available, and also their level of knowledge and expertise.

Assessing your resources should be your starting point so that you avoid discovering too late that your strategies are overestimated or not feasible.


3. Assess your goals


The perfect sales and marketing strategy does not exist. The most suitable for the goals you want to accomplish does. So, after you've taken awareness of the resources at your disposal, you should ask yourself what are the goals you want to accomplish for your business.

When you assess your goals you can be even more precise, meaning that, instead of thinking about your business goals, you should think about what goals you want to pursue with your strategies. For example, at the initial phase of your online business, you may want to build up a strategy to increase traffic to your web pages. At a later stage, you may want to start creating profit: your goals change and so should your strategies.


4. Be consistent


You need consistency with your strategies, focus, and development. Sales and marketing strategies aren't static procedures. They are dynamic elements that change with time, with the season, with your goals, and with the resources at your disposal.

Once you elaborated your strategy, of course, you need to be consistent with it. This may seem obvious, but many beginners get distracted by certain opportunities, new trends, and things like that. Avoid these mistakes: stay consistent.


5. Market analysis


Other than your resources and your goals, you also need to know the environment you're going to run your business in, and this means market analysis. Who are your customers? What do they need? What are the channels they use to get informed and do their shopping?

Getting to know the market also means learning about the competition. An analysis of the competition, in particular, is a double opportunity: an opportunity to understand how you can distinguish your business, and an opportunity to learn.


6. Monitor your strategy


Once you've built your strategy, your job isn't done. The strategy needs to be constantly monitored. Only this way you can see if it's working, or where it needs improvement. Also, you won't be able to avoid mistakes, but you can always learn from them!


7. Don't ever forget “Quality”


The attention to your sales and marketing strategies should never make you neglect the quality of the products or services you're selling plus one of the overall services you're providing to your customers. For this reason, we consider this aspect as a part of the sales and marketing strategy. Quality is what -at the end of the day - makes you stand out of the crowd. At the same time, other than excellent products, you should also provide excellent service, which is - usually - even more complicated because it requires more resources. Beginners, often, don't have the knowledge and resources to compete in the world of online selling, and that's why, for them, dropshipping is a great opportunity.


Bonus Tip Here!


Now that you know how to build the perfect sales and marketing strategy to accomplish your goals, you are ready to boost your own online business. Why not start with profitable dropshipping with a reliable partner at lower or even zero risk?


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