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How to Market for Sales Growth on Easter 2022?

Layla • Digital Marketing

Aug 13,2021 14 min read

easter 2021


As we approach Easter 2022 holiday, consumers are making huge demands this season. But what is expected from small businesses? The Easter 2022 holiday is a time of the year when retailers record gigantic sales. Savvy business owners use this season to boost their sales. How? With the right marketing strategy. Whether you sell clothes, jewelry, car accessories, or what have you, you can leverage this new shopping season by promoting your business the right way. In this article, you can learn how to market your online store and increase sales growth. 


Leveraging opportunities is what distinguishes the boys from the men when it comes to selling online. The demand for Easter gift items is so high that every store [whether online or physical] can conveniently record huge sales. According to the National Retail Foundation, the Easter holiday recorded an estimated $18 billion in sales in 2018. Three years on, we expect an increase in the average spending of people celebrating this joyful holiday. The question is, what can you do to your business that will have a huge impact on your sales on Easter 2022? So, what can you, as a small business owner, do that will have an impact? Read on!



Easter 2022 Dates

Are you wondering what day is Easter 2022? Check out these 2022 Easter dates.

· Good Friday - 2nd of April

· Easter Sunday – 4th of April

· Easter Monday 5th of April



7 Marketing Strategies for Your Online Store on Easter

After knowing when is Easter 2022, it’s time to learn the best marketing strategies to apply for your online store this holiday.


1. Encourage (UGC) user-generated content

Any content related to a brand that has been created by its audience is referred to as UGC. This period, allow your audience to create content related to your brand. For instance, you can ask them to share a photo of their favorite Easter gift ideas. Use Twitter to collect votes on their suggestions but remember to use hashtags. This way, you can raise awareness around your business during Easter. 


2. Send valuable Easter newsletters

Newsletter works like magic – not just during Easter but at any time. Email newsletters have one of the highest conversion rates in internet marketing – you can count on it for massive Easter sales. You should consider sending out regular emails related to Easter sales and products. When dishing out a newsletter, avoid sending promotional emails but send informational emails that can pitch a sale. You want to send your esteemed customers what they can get for their loved ones during the holiday.


3. Get your store ready for Easter holiday sales

When people visit your store, you want them to know you are ready for Easter 2022 sales. How? By adding some Easter-themed images and colors to your website. Some plug-in can add a little extra flair that will most not only attract but also inspire customers to shop in your store.


4. Engage users with a game

User engagement is key to achieving huge sales during Easter. And, thanks to social media, customers can interact with companies organically. You can ask your audience to run a selfie contest, rebuild a puzzle, answer a secret question, and like. Just remember to promote the contest using hashtags and mentions. This might get you some new followers and eventually more Easter sales. 


5. Promote your Easter sales via social media

You cannot ignore the power of social media when it comes to generating more sales. Social media will get your products out there to the right audience. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are popular social media platforms where you can post relevant articles, inspirational videos, and engaging content related to the holiday in question. Once you sign-up with one or more of these platforms [depending on the one that best suits your business], ensure to make regular posts to remind your followers that you are in business and ready for Easter day 2022 sales. To increase your chance of success on social media, you must:

· upload high-quality images and videos

· use hashtags frequently

· use emojis related to the season

· post engaging content

· use questions and answers to engage users, etc. 

Using social media requires a level of creativity. Once you invest this into your social media campaign, the sky will be your starting point.


6. Inspire your audience with Easter dinner recipes

While some look forward to shopping for Easter gifts for their loved ones, others are keen on preparing mouthwatering Easter dinner for their family members. There are many Easter meals that one can enjoy. So, why not inspire your audience by giving them nice Easter dinner recipe ideas. You can create a catalog or PPT document containing photo galleries of ingredients, highlighting how they can get started.


7. Offer discount coupons 

If you want to catch a mouse fast, you have to set the bait. Discounts attract users no matter the niche. When you offer discount coupons on Easter sales, you are sure to sell massively this season. All you need is a reputable supplier to dropship Easter products to your customers.



Bonus Tip: Choosing The Right Dropshipping Platform

Dropshipping is a popular business model that allows entrepreneurs or online retailers to run a business without thinking about warehousing or shipping their products. Whenever the online retailer makes a sale, they will need to alert their suppliers who then process the order and ship the products directly to the customer. The difference between the supplier’s price and the retailers’ price becomes the retailers’ profit. While dropshipping takes an automated approach to run a business, it has a major challenge which is finding the right supplier. Finding the right supplier can be an overwhelming task but we have discovered and vetted the following as legitimate dropship suppliers: Oberlo, Craigslist, SaleYee, and Chinabrands. 

Among all, the SaleYee platform is recommended for beginners. is a leading dropship wholesale supplier from China. Using this platform, you won’t need to stress on packaging and shipping your products – the SaleYee platform makes dropshipping easier for both beginners and experts so they can focus their energy on generating more sales and growing their business. You may visit for more info.




As a small business owner, there are a lot of strategies that you can implement in promoting your online shop during Easter 2022 USA. To achieve more success, it is important to make proper planning and implement the aforementioned tricks to your store. Be flexible in your offerings and try to add “holiday awareness” campaigns a few weeks before Easter in 2022. These are the recipes for making additional cash this holiday. Happy Easter!

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