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Holiday Work Schedule of SaleYee Warehouses in June

5/30/2022 11:51:59 PM

Dear business partner,

Here is the work schedule for SaleYee warehouses in June. Please check the details in the attachment:


  1. 1."-" means non-public holidays for the corresponding country and the warehouse/package pickup is on duty. (Warehouse/package pickup is not on duty on weekends)  
  2. 2.The above time refers to the local time of the warehouse;
  3. 3.On June 19, the US warehouse is on duty, Fedex and UPS are available for package picking up;
  4. 4.On June 2 and June 3, the UK warehouse is off, all channels would not receive pieces;

On June 6, the FR warehouse is on duty, all channels would not pickup;

  1. 5.The duty schedule and package pickup are subject to change. You will also be notified if there are any updates.

SaleYee will always do its best to provide partners with better services. Thank you for your continued commitment and support.


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